Spire Storage currently has a combined working gas capacity of 14-19 Bcf. While the facilities are Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) certificated for up to 39 Bcf to allow for future growth, Spire Storage’s responsible operations approach is to sell only the storage that we can deliver today.
The facility’s pipeline connections include Kern River Gas Transmission, Ruby Pipeline, MountainWest Pipeline, MountainWest Overthrust Pipeline and Northwest Pipeline. More than 25 million people live in the cities reached by these gas pipelines, which include Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and Denver.
Spire Storage holds its open season, where customers can bid on natural gas storage capacity for a minimum three-year term, during the second half of each year.
Natural gas storage plays an important role in 1) keeping gas flowing between the time it’s produced and the time it’s needed for consumption, 2) ensuring adequate supplies are in place for seasonal or unforeseen shifts in supply or demand, like extreme weather events, and 3) managing the long-term and short-term supply and demand balance.
Natural gas storage also plays an important role in balancing the intermittent supply of renewable energy sources for electricity generation.
In May 2022, FERC issued an order approving Spire Storage’s proposed Clear Creek Expansion Project in Wyoming. Construction began on the project in August of this year, with an expected completion date of 2025.
The expansion project will increase Spire Storage’s total underground working gas storage capacity from 23 Bcf to 39 Bcf, and involves the addition of injection and withdrawal wells, compression, pipeline infrastructure, and gas processing capability. Capital expenditures for the project are expected to total $195 million.
As demand continues to grow for the affordable and reliable form of energy natural gas provides, Spire Storage is well suited to meet the evolving energy needs of the western U.S.

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